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 Speed Awareness Courses.


Tempting isn't it? Done for speeding and then given an offer by police. 'Own up and instead of going to court with a possible '£1000 fine and points', pay us £100 take off time from work, attend our Speed Awareness Course & providing you behave and don't get expelled-presumably for being disruptive and pointing out inconvenient truths- we will let you off.


Now we are not entirely sure how ACPO a Limited Company, can decide to let 'offenders' off. They have no statutory powers to do this that we can find! But then having done so, to then decide that the prosecution is back on again?


Having read the scheme in detail, it is based on the assumption-dealt with in other pages, see: Why Speeding Happens     & Why Coppers Can't Trust Speed Limits- that the speed limit itself was justifiable and expertly set. Worse is the news- see Police Use Cameras But Don't Know Why-  that the guy who set the limit has no road safety or driving CV either.


But what of the qualifications of instructors of these expensive and coerced brain washing sessions with a captive class? Do they survey the speed limit orders and demand more justification of them before they unashamedly spout their mantra? Do they tell their students that the act of simply going above an arbitrary number on a pole cannot cause an accident?


But since the 'accused' are at the bottom order of the 'speeding' fraternity, it is likely that they are already perfectly safe drivers. In fact even ACPO refers to their behaviour as a 'mistake'.


Why do we punish only drivers for mistakes? So shouldn't these courses be offered for those who drive too fast which is above or below speed limits? So a safe driver gets a course because cameras cannot see unsafe ones? Is that it then?


If one camera clocks 1000s of drivers, as they do, are all these drivers 'mistaken' then? No! More likely it's a 'mistake' in the speed limit or layout.


Questions are already being asked about all this but one camera can only prosecute thousands of drivers on a divide and rule basis. If they all turned up at the same court and testified that there must be something wrong at the site, then cases would be dismissed. That it is not possible, doesn't make these prosecutions any more justifiable does it?


But now we find that these very lucrative coercive courses are not supported by statute either.  See in answer to us Home Office Minister Nick Herbert MP.






That is part of why we must unite. Stand together as a 30,000,000 Union and be there for each other.


It's also a reason to keep a database of those enticing road layouts that cause 'speeding' too.

 Click the AA logo to see our challenge to them about their speed awareness courses. So far their President has got round them by....................changing the subject!

Note: The authority being used to allow the Speed Awareness program relies on the words of a poltician, Attorney General Sir Hartley Shawcross in 1951 in respect of criminal offences where he merely reiterated the obvious that it would be wrong to always proceed against all suspects of a crime. From that, CPS lawyers have agreed to CPS codes. But the trial courses run then and as a result now, are patently dishonest and do not allow or even address the causes of accidents. This isn't in the public interest at all and we doubt that  Shawcross himself would've condoned the notion of dishonest courses on payment to limited companies for profit and gain. Having invested in these schools, the system needs speeders to stay in business. This then discourages the correction of faulty road layouts and speed limits, so in effect a self feeding enterprise which we say cannot be in the public interest

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