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Driver Action Events

True to our word on the Home Page, we are not just talk but here to lead drivers in peaceful legal and effective action to show that not only do they have a massive vote but massive power too.


We estimate that our last action, thanks to national publicity, saw a drop in takings over three days of about 10% at all outlets that depend on drivers without any loss or inconvenience to them at all.


From action against single companies who support and finance anti driver charities to national action against large businesses who never look after or support their driver workers. Here's our next initiatives:

Aims for 2015.

More 2015 Aims


  • To get an all party parliamentary drivers group to oppose all anti driver road safety policy based on ideology and profit.


  • To reduce the amount of unqualified road safety input; especially where based on green anti driver ideology.


  • To make UK's 40 million drivers aware in an election year of their power to decide who governs them in Parliament and in local authorities

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