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ACPO has had to revise its policing since we have been          banging on doors.

New speed limit enforcement guidelines recently issued by ACPO, the Association of Chief Police Officers, contain the following key statements on the police position on all speed limits:


  • "Where limits are not clear (that is they don't feel/look like the limit or are on inappropriate roads), they will not be routinely enforced"


  • "Unclear or even confusing limits (all limits, not just 20's) will undoubtedly lead to mistaken offending and any aggressive enforcement risks a loss of public support for the action and more importantly the police service"


  • "The desired outcome has to be speeds at the limit chosen so as to achieve safe roads for other and vulnerable users not high speeds and high enforcement"


  • "Speeding problems identified in an area must have the engineering, site clarity and need re-assessed, not simply a call for more enforcement"


  • "Enforcing against drivers who simply misread the road may not be appropriate".

The guidelines also reiterate the current recommendation of enforcement levels at a10%+2mph threshold above the limit.

We were the only group identifying and raising all of this consistently and ACPO has listened.

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