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Database of confusing road layouts that induce speeding.

The object of this trial is to see if we can provide a database for drivers to defend themselves in unfair prosecutions for 'speeding' or other offences where there is evidence of a previously reported road layout fault that will have contributed to the driver's actions.


Official attitudes to 'speeders' is based on the false premise that it is all intentional and deliberate and so drivers deserve penalty. But what if most 'speeding' is actually caused and created by the very same authorities by poor speed limiting and enticing road layout? Is that not purely mercenary policy?


Why do police have favourite spots to set up a camera? Because they know in advance that they will catch speeders. This means that the layout is clearly inducing speeding and more often unintentional too. This amounts to entrapment in our view. If there were thousands of accidents at a site, would police just take pictures or find out why? Surely the same applies to prosecutions too.


When a static speed camera can catch thousands, can you imagine if they all turned up at the same hearing to give evidence that something at the site caused it? So convictions are very much about divide and rule.


What if the problem had been previously noted by drivers, reported to the authorities, and recorded somewhere? A database of such reports and locations that could then be used in court to show that there is an issue at the site and it had been previously reported before the prosecution but ignored?

Well there is. We are keeping one. All drivers can take part in it.


We will need your name address and contact number, brief details of the issue, who you have notified, when and by what means and if this was acknowledged. You merely keep the details, copies of emails and notes of your actions for reference. We can only take email info. mailto:



How will it work? Defendants and lawyers can query a location with us and we will be able to refer them to your report. It is unlikely that more than a written statement of your actions would be required since they will then follow up with the local authority.  In any case your expenses would be paid by the solicitors.


Reports to local authorities can easily be made using Fix My Street:

Although direct personal e-mail to your local Highways Authority also produces an acknowledgment.


 It is long overdue that drivers worked for each other in unison to ensure only justified driving prosecutions.


' ...their first reaction is always to say "Well I had no idea I was doing anything wrong" so if I can help in some cases somebody avoiding doing something wrong, then it would've been worthwhle'.


Dominic Grieve. Attorney General. 4th December 2013 Sky News 


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