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Here we examine the massive 85 page, RAC Foundation commissioned, report by Dr Sally Cairns of the University of London on the alternatives to car ownership. 


You can access the full report here. 


You will note that Dr Cairns has a doctorship and BA in geography. There is nothing that the anti driver anti car owner liberal metropolitan elite love more than an academic; no matter how irrelevant the degree in the subject.





We have already said much of Prof. Stephen Glaister of the RAC -he wrote the Foreword- and you can see more of him here Just click on his image and indeed the references to RACF. on that page. So we have already blown their cover and their raison d'etre as no friends of UK's drivers and especially UK's private drivers.





We have also already noted the academic London Metropilitan Elite who seem to be influencing Westminster against drivers and motor transport. Here yet another London based (Cycling) doctor is exposed. They all tend to be of a green environmental ideology and you will see in this report the concerns about environment and Co2.


You can save a lot of time. You don't need to read any more than this:

Introduction 4 P15


• moving people away from habitual car use, and increasing the incentive for people to consider car use in conjunction with other modes;


Here, in one sentence is the objective of this  85 page report. â€˜Habitual’ car use? Is as silly as saying ‘Breathing, eating, drinking, going to work, vacuum cleaning, shopping is ‘Habitual’ This is an idea central to the purpose and object of this whole report and is palpable nonsense



The RACF, with its offices in Pall Mall, is a charity funded directly or indirectly by all of us through tax break contributions. It costs us all when they commission these anti driver reports.

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