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'Charities' that do well from bogus road safety


I have been looking at your accounts to Dec 2010 and see then you had 19 Staff. Can you tell me the annual salaries of the top three earners, especially Mary Williams please? This isn't broken down for us but as a charity, it should be available to us.


As an ex traffic cop, I found your page on speed cameras false and wonder what expertise you have to be making statements on the life & death issue of road safety & driver prosecution? How do you know that speed limits are correct? Do you know that 'speeding' cannot cause accidents? Driving too fast at all speeds does and that is mostly below the limits; thus most accidents are below the limits. Do you know what causes overtake accidents? Did you know a speed camera cannot see one single accident cause?


This page ought to be amended because it is incorrect information.


May I add that whilst it is possibly true that someone dies on roads every 30 seconds in the world, why not mention that in these countries there are far more victims of malnutrition, despotism & corruption, whilst here, where you are based and road safety profiteering is at the highest, death on our roads is about every 16000 seconds from all causes and after 300 billion driver miles a year.



Mary Williams OBE

Jeanne Breen O.B.E.

On Pacts:                        Open letter to Sir Peter Tapsell.

Dear Sir Peter,

I don't know if you received my thanks for passing on Mr Penning's curt response to unqualified advisors to Parliament on road safety. I am astounded that he seems to think that being a 'charity' is the font of all wisdom in this life and death matter.


I now discover that PACTS is a Ltd company  No 2366377 with, at last accounts, an income of £165,153 of which £94.224 was paid to three staff, not one earning over £60k but possibly £59k for Mr Gifford though; of course expenses will boost that too. Does Mr Penning know this? Certainly 'Ltd' may be for admin reasons but the public won't appreciate that when I tell them.


BRAKE, by the way, is also a Ltd Company, No 03260243, that has 19 employees paid from about £705k + £60.2k for governance per year in 2010. I have yet to ascertain what their founder, a very rapid OBE, is getting, but I will. So, from now on, it's BRAKE Ltd & PACTS Ltd.


It seems to me that true road safety expert volunteers are very hard to come by and even harder to get the ear of the Great and the Good like Mr Penning for example.



DpU Is a genuine charity. We take no income and bear all costs from our personal funds.

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