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Police confess they point cameras but don't know why!


Lincolnshire Partnership's, John Siddle confesses to BBC Humberside the Peter Levy Show, hosted by Caroline Davis, that whilst happy to run the speed cameras and criminalise people, they have no idea if the limits are properly set and appropriate to justify their cameras and their tickets in the first place. 'It is not their business' they say. In an answer to Keith Peat.


The same Partnership somehow got the Lincolnshire Echo to publish the misleading statement that fatals had been 104 in 2003 prior to the cameras being 'rolled out'. The Partnership and its cameras have existed since 1998 and there were 104 fatals in 1999 and in 2003. Story here. Why the deception?




But it seems Sussex Road Safety Partnership are just as ill informed about 'speeding' too.


We asked them: 'But 'speeding' isn't a cause & that is why they are on your courses isn't it? How do you know the speed limit is appropriate?'


Their Reply: 'Speed limits are set by the local authorities taking into account local road conditions.' Note: They don't know they are appropriate in other words.


Finally: 'If you don't survey/object to speed limits then you don't know what you are prosecuting for.'


John Siddle

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