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The tanker driver's strike: Is off for now

There is no question. If UK's 2000 petrol tanker drivers do strike we will all be in very serious trouble.


Nothing will actually do more to illustrate and prove to us that the drivers of the UK are crucial for everything. Of course, these 2000, are probably more crucial than most other drivers because all need to be able to fill their tanks. But rather like the food chain, all drivers play a crucial role in keeping this country going.


Whilst large fleets are needed to fetch and carry the nation's goods, it's the car owner, who fills the town and retail area car parks, who comes and takes the goods away. The tanker drivers, when not driving tankers, are doing the same too.


The public transport system, whether rail, air or bus, all rely on drivers to make the connections. One of our members commutes 36 miles to the train that he drives; pilots, bus drivers likewise. In any case, in rural areas, public transport simply isn't good enough, or near enough and very often non existent after 6.30 pm and weekends. Unless we live within walking distance of a station or a bus stop to take us there, then we are going to be pretty stuck.


Certain workers will need to have priority so far as any rationing will be concerned. For example water, electricity and gas supply, not to mention food, depend as much on drivers as hospitals do.


If these drivers do nothing else, they will be demonstrating the power of drivers and we applaud that. But we do not appreciate Unite, their union or the road haulage associations, who employ them, failing to support them as..........drivers at any other time!


it seems to us that big business and unions fail to grasp that their drivers are victims of a vicious and profiteering industry that hampers, victimises and harrasses them and in that, Unite and hauliers are all the same: Selfish.


You may not be pleased with the tanker drivers but let's at least trumpet the power of the driver being demonstrated here at least.


The best place to store petrol is in your petrol tank. Storing 10 to 20 gallons anywhere else is highly dangerous and pointless. A gallon for garden tools is the most you should keep and even that is never safe.

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