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Road Safety Officers. Replies to their CV enquiry.

I am the Road Safety Coordinator for xxxxxxx. I have worked in Road Safety for 28 years in education, training and publicity and I am a member of RoSPA and Road Safety G.B.


Note: RoSpa & IAM do not create driving experts and RSGB is no qualification at all.



An ex traffic officer and top driver who no doubt believes the mantras as many do but had he not done so he would've been back on the streets. Having retired on a large pension has taken another well paid pensionable job to sing from the right songs.


'Thank you for that. Your CV is even better than mine and comparable to one of our colleagues, except of course you are paid very well to sing from a song sheet whereas we have no axe to grind..............' 




Dear Keith

Thank you for your message.  Your enquiries about dealing with prosecutions and providing Stats 19 data are dealt by the Police, which you have alluded to in your message. As to your enquiry about Road Safety GB, it would be best if the organisation inform you of their activities and qualification to influence politicians, so I have forwarded it to them to respond.

Yours Sincerely C


Dear C

As a xxxxxx council public official, my enquiries are to you and of you. It is very worrying that you are referring me to some Ltd company instead. I have already researched this limited company and am trying to establish their road safety expertise and now it appears council officials are being bound by them? It is getting worse.


Note: 'Your enquiries about dealing with prosecutions and providing Stats 19 data are dealt by the Police''  Indicates that C doesn't have that background


Dear Mr Peat Thank you for your correspondence. I understand a response is being prepared on behalf of RSGB which should provide answers to your questions Regards T P


Hi T, But you are a council official for xxx. My enquiries were of you. So you are being represented by RSGB Ltd? Noted.


Hi Keith Thanks for your email. I understand that Road Safety GB will be contacting you shortly.

Many thanks M


Dear M,  Thanks for your reply, but you are a xxxx official and I have approached you directly. It is of even more concern that this limited company is speaking for local officials.  I would like to know what your background in this very important issue is in the interests of genuine road safety.


Dear Keith As a Road Safety Officer Education, Training and Publicity Officer for xxxxx Council my background is in Education.

I would not consider myself an expert driver and neither am I a policy maker when it comes to setting speed limits.



A.H. Dear Mr Peat, Again thank you for your email. I thank you for the compliment regarding my CV but do take offence at ‘except of course you are paid very well to sing from a song sheet’.


How can you take an offence at a reality? I was in the job. If you didn't follow the mantra it's back to the helmet isn't it?
C'mon it's an ex copper you're trying to kid;.Life and death road safety and prosecution is far too serious for personal sensitivity isn't it?......  Now about 'speeding'. You have avoided the question.

RS 'xxxxxxx County Council is a member of RSGB, which represents local authority road safety teams nationally' and.was all about 'eviidence based' - which usually means selective rubibsh in rubbish out stats- and  'data', 'engineering and education'  SO RSGB represents LA road safety teams nationally? A limited company? So who is RSGB?

I am pussled that you, the road safety wing of a council, consider yourself members of a Ltd Company and that you are to allow them to respond on your behalf...........Evidence based? Ok so what is the evidence that 'speeding' can actually cause something to happen? Driving too fast does but that is mostly below speeding. What accident causes do speed cameras detect? Councillors? Oh the butcher, baker the candlestick maker? Their CV in road safety, prosecution and driving is what exactly?


My remit is road safety education and publicity, which includes developing resources for use in schools and other educational establishments,


'Education in schools' based on whose input and info? Does it originate from vested interest? Selective data?


MM Talks of 'models' 'analysis of data' 'teachers' and ends with,  'We have attempted to remove the ‘anecdotal’ and ‘good intent’ and replace it with science in what we do'. 


There are too many academics in road safety but what degree makes a top driving expert, who's dealt with accidents and prosecuted after them? There are too many academics fiddling with numbers in this life and death issue and the cyclists keep dying. I have two more to add to the page.

Here is the evidence that what is actually happening 'anecdotal', is being replaced by theory and science. It's the old b.....t baffles brains and of course something we've commented elswhere; 'too many professors who can't even drive' talking about road safety.


AH A senior road safety officer: Dear Mr Peat, If you do not believe the simple things that I write then there really is no value in your continued correspondence.  Therefore please do not expect further replies. 


Dear A, Now about 'speeding'. You have avoided the question.


BB. Council : I haven't made an FOI request. Just a simple enquiry of your road safety officer. This appears to be an avoidance of a road safety query and until I do get cooperation for my road safety work I will have no option but to assume the worst of this process. Please direct your road safety officer to respond directly. Wishes

CB Council Thank you but please note this wasn't an FOI application just a simple query of your Road Safety Officer. Just. what is their driving expertise? Have they dealt with road accidents? Have they submitted stats 19 forms? Have they prosecuted drivers for road safety reasons? Surely in the interests of road safety, I shouldn't need to employ the FOI facility? So I see this as an unhelpful and negative response so far. Wishes

KW. Your enquiry appears generic and not specific to the delivery of the Councils road safety.   For example, a school crossing patrol person may be considered as being part of a road safety delivery, yet their role would not necessarily require that they meet the criteria that  you have put forward,


I note your further remarks. I don't accept the analogy of the crossing patrol as they don't run road safety policy or specifically titled road safety officer. You may well disagree that the criteria or experience I seek to establish is relevant but you would say that though wouldn't you? It's for others to judge that and I can assure you, in a public debate, to be able to say that you have the top road driving qualification world wide, have dealt with the accidents, have provided the very faulty stats on which road safety policy is being based, have actually prosecuted people -one of the effects of road safety policy-against someone who hasn't tends to end the discussion.


The mantra if you would call it that is Stop Look Listen Think, pedestrian skills. Also the risks of distraction and passenger safety. Regards


Good. No 'speed kills!' or 'speeding causes accidents' for example? How about being totally exposed in the road, mingling and mixing with large essential fast moving machinery operated by total strangers of varying skills and mental capacity? Is that encouraged for example?



'Road safety is determined after extensive research, followed by public consultation and then democratically decided upon through a Committee process composed of locally elected councillors.'


'So I take it your officers are not expert in road driving, have not dealt with accidents, have not prosecuted drivers or other road users after accidents or for road safety, and have not provided accident stats. I am particularly concerned about 'public consultation' & 'Democracy'. So in other words this life and death issue, with prosecution and jail thrown in, is being treated as a consensus of amateurs with no background in the subject? '



So, apart from the police with a vested interest and firemen who specialise in rescue, none of your road safety officers are experts in road driving, have never dealt with road accidents, have never prosecuted drivers for 'road safety' or after accidents, and have never provided accident stats?
You, like RSGB Ltd, don't say if you are against profit based road safety and prosecution or ideologically based road safety and prosecution.




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