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For your sins, you are landed with me as a constituency resident.


I am very active, as a volunteer, for genuine, independent, not for profit or ideologically based road safety. Seems reasonable to you? Of course it does. I am also very much against the profit based prosecution of many thousands of perfectly safe drivers too. That must be a reasonable aim too. I am also against the exploitation of the bereaved to support road safety profiteering and dangerous policy.


*****, bless him, has been a great supporter of my work and over the years, has acted as a direct conduit between various ministers and me. I hope that your drivers, thirty five million of them nationally, all voters, may count on your total support, both locally, and of course nationally as a link between our group and appropriate ministers.


We have no axe to grind as we are totally unpaid, are currently meeting all our own expenses, and yet have great expertise, ex police and motor engineers in the field of road safety, driving, speed limits and driver prosecution and we are supported by very highly qualified mathematicians and ex Highway officials too.


Just take Speeding Industry mantra. You would be forgiven in thinking that 'speeding' causes, or is a factor, in accidents. We can show that, even when present, speeding cannot cause anything at all for example. Crucial if we miss the real cause.


The soundbite, on which we all grew up and took as self evident, 'Speed Kills!' isn't even true. If planes flew too slow they'd crash and if 'speed kills' applied to trains why are we making them faster? The faster we became, so longevity has gone up not down, but it's simpler than that. Speed is motion and without it our hearts stop beating so we die. Thus 'No speed kills' is the true statement. So it turns out that even the soundbite of false road safety is untrue. For a soundbite to work it must be a true one. But why should we use spin and soundbite, like snake oil salesmen, in a life and death issue with the added dimension of prosecuting many thousands of people anyway? Well as a profit base, it's certainly been a goldmine soundbite that's for sure.    

I will not bore you more with facts and figures at this point but what I have been able to establish by enquiries, connections, written responses, all published on a massive site of evidence, is that road safety and driver prosecution has long been taken over by a massive profitable industry of amateurs and vested interests, using a liberal elitist anti driver ideology, for public consumption in the guise of many so called road safety charities. On our site and my blog, we name and shame and have yet to be sued for it. Neither have the officials denied or challenged our statements either directly or through the courts and we are willing to hear and correct any false statement we make too. Their silence can be taken to imply assent then..


Nearly every day there is a new initiative on driving isn't there? Yet would you believe that there is more death from accidents in the home than from any cause on the roads after 300 billion driver miles a year? There's more from hanging and strangulation too and more from self harm. So why all this focus on drivers? If death and injury is the issue, why are we not banning people from kitchens and jailing people for accidental killing in the home? There is only one conclusion, profit motive and anti driver ideology.See this simple graphic from our site  just a few of the road safety fat.cats. We have even established a link with the DfT and bogus road safety honours and are currently querying its officials. 


I am confident that you will be elected so I won't bother with the others. As a constituent and as the founder of, may I ask you to continue to support UK's hard pressed drivers as ***** did?


Far from being painted as undesirable, without them, including and especially the private driver, the economy would collapse immediately and we would all begin to die from lack of basics soon after. From the time mankind took to the horse, camel and bullock our society and population wasn't expanded on the slow, limited loads of manpower. The word 'driver' applied to chariots, carts, coaches, waggons and cabs all the predecessors of the modern day motor vehicle. 


Will you support genuine, independent, not for profit or ideologically or emotionally based road safety? Will you seek to rid prosecution from any profiteering? And would you be willing to support an All Party Parliamentary Group for Drivers? Can you believe that, from about 630 APPGs, some hostile to drivers, there hasn't been one to speak for UK's 35 million drivers? See


I hope that you will find those aims are perfectly reasonable and that, on matters road safety and driving, you will listen to unemotional independent expertise. 


Best wishes


Keith Peat


2015 Election. Keith Peat writes to a candidate

2015 election. Why not get your candidates to support genuine road safety like this? Just adapt this letter to suit you. 

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