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Fixed penalty for careless? Cycle Clips Hammond  feeds the                                     charlatans and profiteers

Today Stephen Hammond, against all expert advice, has pandered to the vested interest agenda amateurs to introduce fixed penalty for careless driving.


The third most serious offence in the RTA which is based totally on subjectivity, is now reduced to the whim of a police officer and of course the coercion to plead guilty for a lower penalty, no points and join a lucrative course on payment of money- to private firms in many areas- how on earth can this be fair or wise?


The subjectivity of all this is frightening. Chief Constable Suzette Davenport of ACPO Ltd, gave                              her personal examples on her 'journey home' but these were untested at court and personal opinion so here we have it in reality.     


But try to define legally ‘Tailgating’. So the definition will depend on if a driver accepts the ticket (Pleads guilty) on the offer of no points and paying money to someone for their lucrative courses. The example shown on TV screens was clear dangerous driving, so what was wrong with police prosecuting for dangerous/careless driving where the subjectivity is at least examined on trial? How is careless driving suddenly created because of fixed penalty if it wasn’t careless before?


So when will our ill informed ministers ever listen to experts instead of the profiteers and their spokemen?




'Like shelling peas' Says PC Dave Lee of Northants Roads Police Unit 

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